
Free Microsoft MVA classes

There is no secret that the world of programming is huge. You can make applications for enterprises, you can create games, websites and so on. Microsoft has invested a lot in in their Virtual Academy over the last two years. The best part is that all the classes are FREE.

I won’t try to convince you how great the content is, you can just take a look at the following topics to start with:
Mobile Development
Game Development
Cloud Development
App Development
Web Development
Quick Start Challenges
Aspiring Technologists

No surprise, my suggestion is to start with the first two.

Happy learning!

MVP Client Development

Last week, I had the honor and privilege to be elected as a MVP Client Development.This award goes to people that have contributed to the community for the last twelve months in diverse ways. It is awarded every three months.

The Microsoft definition is:

The Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award is our way of saying thank you to exceptional, independent community leaders who share their passion, technical expertise, and real-world knowledge of Microsoft products with others. It is part of Microsoft’s commitment to supporting and enriching technical communities. Even before the rises of the Internet and social media, people have come together to willingly offer their ideas and best practices in technical communities.

My definition is shorter:

Love what you do, share what you know and make new friends.

I would like to thank all my developer friends and Microsoft employees who nominated me.